At-Risk-Reading Naiveté
Siegfried Engelmann
Dennis Baron's bashing
of direct instruction ("The
President's Reading Lesson," Commentary, Sept. 8, 2004) has one
central problem: It lacks educational literacy. Although his sentences
are well constructed, the essay's content exudes naiveté about
at-risk kids, their plight, what they know, and, most important, that
teaching these students to read is not a trivial enterprise. Children
are pretty well pre-empted from performing what Mr. Baron describes as
"embracing the written word, exploring it, and turning it inside
out" if they don't read the written word correctly. Furthermore,
to apply the written-word-embracing criterion to at-risk 2nd graders in
the early part of the school year is insensitive. These kids don't have
a large repertoire of words, and their primary focus is learning to identify
new ones and reading them in story contexts.
Here is a basic educational-literacy fact: At-risk kids enter kindergarten
with far less understanding of language than their middle-class peers.
The book Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of
Young American Children, by Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley, documents
that for some types of verbal interactions, inner-city kids have an experiential
deficit of a million exposures by the time they enter school. One would
assume that because Mr. Baron is a professor of linguistics, he would
be familiar with this work and have some understanding of the amount of
teaching that is needed for the children to keep pace with grade-level
Specifically, many at-risk kids entering kindergarten don't know the meanings
of the verbal words "first," "next," or "touch."
So they need instruction for something as seemingly simple as "open
your book to Page 2 and touch the first word."
A good place for Mr. Baron to receive an introduction to educational literacy
would be the 4th grade in a typical failed, inner-city school. Here he'd
be able to observe kids who average far below the 20th percentile. That
means that a lot of them know far less about reading than the kids in
"Fahrenheit 9/11." And even if the 4th graders are able to decode
the text, they have serious comprehension problems.
For example, pass out a passage with the written directions, "Circle
the first word of every other sentence." Don't read the directions
to the kids. Instead tell them, "Read the directions at the top of
the page to yourself and raise your hand when you've read them."
Next direct them, "Do what the directions tell you to do." Some
kids will ask, "What do they tell me to do?" Don't answer. Let
them "wrest meaning" from the directions. A lot of them will
fail the circling task.
Mr. Baron would observe the same kind of failure in the 5th grade or the
8th grade. Ironically, however, these kids have had a lot of practice
doing what Mr. Baron recommends: "learning through trial and error."
We once took representatives from local community groups into randomly
selected 4th and 5th grade classrooms in a typical inner-city school and
had kids read, or attempt to read, from simple 2nd grade material. Several
members of the group, including one guy that seemed very tough, cried.
All said, "I had no idea that
" Exactly.
If Mr. Baron called on different kids to read "The Pet Goat"
(which he sees as banal prose that could not possibly be challenging),
he would observe more than one child who "reads to a different drummer."
This story would be particularly challenging for many of the 4th graders
because it is designed to provide kids with practice in identifying words
that differ from each other in only one letter-a final e. The observant
professor of linguistics might note the inordinate number and juxtaposition
of such words in "The Pet Goat"made and mad, at and ate,
cans and canes, pans and panes, even capes and capsas well as other
words that end in e: smile, like, sore.
The direct instruction program's sequence is designed to prepare children
for the challenge of "The Pet Goat" by teaching them the discriminations
they need to decode these minimal pairs before they encounter them in
the stories. But reading the story accurately is a challenge, and children
must apply what they have learned. The kids on the videotape did a very
good job of meeting the challenge, which means that they had been taught
One of Mr. Baron's proclamations is that the direct instruction program
provides less opportunity for the students to excel. Not so. Being able
to read is a big deal for kids. Make no mistake, children who can read
as well as those on the tape have good yardsticks for measuring their
excellence at home. Not uncommonly, they know that they read better than
some older kids in the neighborhood and possibly even better than their
Mr. Baron asserts that these stories won't turn these children into readers.
Wrong. The kids on the tape are on schedule to become proficient readers
with good comprehension skills. They are far ahead of average at-risk
students and ahead of the middle-class average. They should be well prepared
for the next level of the program, which emphasizes reading to learn,
not learning to read.
Mr. Baron didn't think
much of the teacher's presentation and seemed particularly bummed out
by the fact that the presentation was "scripted." In a way,
that's ironic. I believe Mr. Baron would have no trouble recognizing a
good performance in a legitimate theater. The performers are following
a script. In a very real sense, the teacher is an actor. The criteria
for an outstanding performance are different from those for the stage,
but they mark the difference between a successful communication and a
failure. If these criteria are best achieved with the support of a script,
why would it be any more of a problem here than in the theater?
Anyone who has ever taught at-risk kids successfully would know that the
teacher on the tape did an outstanding jobnot just OK. She had impeccable
timing, effective presentation, and good reinforcement. Furthermore, she
provided evidence that she did not have what Mr. Baron describes as "low
expectations." She brought her students to a high level of mastery.
The most odious and contrived shot that Mr. Baron took at direct instruction,
however, is not his dig that the program couldn't be worth much because
it doesn't teach names (which it doesWalter, Carla, Jean, Don, Ellen,
Ott, Sandy, and more), or that it uses a term like "car robber,"
which according to Mr. Baron would strike the students as cacophonous
because it is not idiomatic English. The worst shot is a suggested parallel
between the behavior of those children and that of President Bush.
If Mr. Baron had an inkling of the amount and quality of work that goes
into teaching kids to read as well as those kids read, the small number
of people who are able to do it well, or the fact that if children don't
learn to read well by the 3rd grade, they're educationally dead, he might
appreciate how grotesque it is to suggest that they will behave as Mr.
Bush did when they try to "wrest meaning from an unfamiliar passage."
All passages they read are unfamiliar until they have read them.
And if Mr. Baron wants to discover the extent to which these kids would
behave pusillanimously, he could write them an "unfamiliar"
passage that starts with his major premise, "Your 2nd grade teacher
shortchanged you," then explain the reasonsthe low expectations,
the "five-minute script" (whatever that is), her boring table-thumping,
and the like. My bet is that they would not only wrest meaning from the
text but would provide Mr. Baron with a very spirited response to every
point he believes he's madeeither verbally or through "the
written word."
Siegfried Engelmann
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
The writer is a senior author of the Reading Mastery and Direct Instruction programs.