Teaching English Pronunciation

13 Training Sessions
by Siegfried Engelmann

Sessions are consecutive and range from about 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

This course is online because it involves details that would be impossible to convey accurately in print—the proper tone, inflection, timing, modelling, and pacing of what to do. All these details make a difference. The course is led by Zig Engelmann who has trained very successful teachers of English pronunciation. The course is relevant for anyone whose goal is to be effective in teaching correct English pronunciation. The course teaches techniques that are not generally learned by practicing speech pathologists, speech therapists, or ESL teachers. Read more.

Questions and Answers

Part 1: Introduction to Teaching English Pronunciation

Part 2: Continous Consonants

Part 3: Non-Continous Consonants, Voiced and Unvoiced Counterparts

Part 4: Vowel Sounds

Part 5: How to Present Tasks

Part 6: Basic (7-Step) Corrections

Part 7: Abbreviation the 7-Step Procedure and Correcting Vowels

Part 8: Correction Procedures Review, Timing and Correcting Consonant Clusters

Part 9:Rate, More Consonant Blends, Correcting Words in Sentences

Part 10: More Work on Sentences and Working with Students Who Have Some English

Part 11: More Work with Students Who Have Some English

Part 12: Goals, Scheduling, and Grouping

Part 13: The Closing


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